Men's Nite Games
Our goal at Men's Nite has always been to provide an opportunity for the participants to play a regular game of golf in which they can post a score (the exception being scrambles). In addition we like to play different games each week. Some of these challenges are individual but most are based on team play.
RENO - This 4 man game is a Men's Nite favorite. Tee off and play your game. When the hole scores are recorded for Reno the lowest score is recorded first, the next lowest second and so on. As an example: Pete scores a birdie on the par 5 opening hole at HGC. Steve pars as does Raoul and Herb takes a double bogey. Their score would be 4,557 points on the first hole. The point totals from all nine holes are totaled and the team with the lowest score wins.
RIDER RENO - Total your Reno score on each hole (for Reno the lowest score is recorded first, the next lowest second and so on...)
and check the RIDER RENO Chart below to convert your Reno score for that hole to a Football Points score! Record that score in the middle row on your scorecard. Touchdown!
2344 or less 3455 or less 4555 or less 2pt converted TD 8 points
2345-3344 3456-4455 4556-5566 TOUCHDOWN 7 points
3345-3445 4457-4556 5567-5666 Missed convert 6 points
3446-4556 4556-5667 5667-6778 FIELD GOAL 3 points
4557-4667 5668-5778 6779-6889 ROUGE 2 points
4668-5677 5779-6788 6899-7899 SINGLE 1 points
5678 or more 6789 or more 7900 or more Shut Out 0 points
543 - Here's another great 4 man game that puts the pressure on the par threes. Play your regular game. When the scores are calculated your team uses the best score on the par 5's, the two lowest scores on the par 4's and the best three scores an the par 3's.
JOKERS WILD - In this 4 man game you never know what you'll get. Each member of the foursome is assigned a card suit before they tee off. They play the hole not knowing which scores will be used that hole. When they reach the hole they will find a card or cards in it. The player or players whose suit appears on the card(s) count for that hole. If it's a joker use the best score your team had on that hole.
TWO MAN STABLEFORD - In this game your team of two each receives points for their scores on each hole. Each player totals their points at the end of the game. The two totals are added together to give the team total. The highest total wins.
eagle 5 points
birdie 3 points
par 2 points
bogey 1 point
double bogey or higher 0 points
TWO/FOUR MAN SCRAMBLES - a few times a month Men's Nite features a scramble. Players each play their tee shot and the best shot is selected. The entire team plays from within a scorecard length of where the selected shot lay. Continue in this fashion until the team holes out and posts a team score for the hole. Traditionally, we play a two man scramble before the Father's Day Tournament as a warm up for that event. The Glen Stasiuk Memorial Scramble is a popular 4 man scramble held in July. 4V4 scramble is where two four man scramble teams play a 9 hole matchplay event.
ARMY GOLF SCRAMBLE - All 4 players tee off. The two players whose tee shots are furthest right team up as do the two players furthest left. These two teams then pick their best tee shot and scramble from that ball. Once both 2 man teams hole out record the lowest score of the 2 man teams as the score on that hole.
SHAMBLE - In a "Shamble," each golfer tees off and the best shot is selected, but from that point, each golfer plays his or her own ball until it is holed out. What's fun about a Shamble format is that each person gets the benefit of the best drive, so they typically start out with a nice advantage (assuming there's a big hitter in the group)! In either case, the format is intended to be fun and relaxing for all golfers, whether high or low handicappers.
CRAZY EIGHTS "SKINS" SCRAMBLE - This is a challenging and fun money game. Two 4 man scramble teams are paired on the same hole. Each "Skin" is worth a predetermined amount of money. The teams match their score on the hole, low team wins the "Skin". If the hole is tied the money total of the previous hole is added to the value of the next hole. This is known as a carryover.
SYNDICATE - This is an individual game played for money. In this modified syndicate all players scoring a birdie or eagle are rewarded with a tic. The total number of tics is divided into the pot to determine the value of each tic. Any players not scoring an eagle or birdie have their names placed in a hat. When an eagle or birdie winner is awarded their prize they draw a name from the hat. That person becomes the partner and shares the winnings 50/50.
HORSE RACE - Once a year in August the horses are at the post for a dash to the finish. This is a gambling game that always provides a great deal of excitement. Each hole represents a horse in the field of a horse race. Players place bets on the hole they believe will play the easiest that night. Each participant gets one free bet with their entry into Men's Nite. Multiple bets are allowed and encouraged at a cost of $2 each. After the scorecards are turned in the scores on each hole are averaged and compared against their par to determine the hole that played easiest. If that horse (hole) is on your ticket you win a share of the pot.
BLACK BALL - A new game for four man teams. On the first tee of your round players will select any hole of the 9 to be the team wildcard hole. Then each player chooses their own two black ball holes. When a player is on his designated black ball hole he plays a different coloured ball. His score counts for that hole as does the lowest of the other three players. On the wildcard hole the two best scores are recorded.
TEXAS HOLD 'EM - The card game craze has hit the links. In this version your foursome tries to get the best "hand". Play your game and fill in your scorecard as normal. Keep your card after the game. We will "deal out " two hole cards to each group by picking two scores on your card ( example -Player "A" 4th hole and Player "B" 7th hole). Next we deal the flop -3 cards ( Let's say, Player "A" 9th hole, Player "C" 8th hole and Player "D" 9th hole) Then, the turn (Let's say, Player "C" 1st hole) and finally, the river (Let's say, player "B" 5th hole). Make a poker hand using your best 5 cards. The best hand wins the pot!
GOLF 2.0 - This 4 man Stableford game features 2 holes on each green, one difficult and one easy. Before teeing off the player must declare which pin he will be playing for on that hole. The player plays the hole out and uses the chart below to calculate his points. Add up the points for each member of the group and that is your total for the hole.
Score Eagle Birdie Par Bogey Double Bogey
Easy Pin 5 4 3 2 1
Difficult Pin 5 1/2 4 1/2 3 1/2 2 1/2 1 1/2
No point for anything higher than a double.
FUZZY DICE - Players are numbered 1-4. Roll the big dice on the tee and follow the instruction sheet also found there. The instructions will tell your team how to mark the score on that hole. Ex. roll of 1 = use player#1 score 2 = use player#2 score 3 = use player#3 score 4 = use player#4 score 5= use lowest score 6=use highest and lowest score.
ARMY GOLF (RIGHT/LEFT)- This is a 4 man team game. All 4 players tee off. Determine which two players are further right and which two players are further left -those players are partners for that hole. Compare the total score of the two right players to the total of the two left players. Record the lowest of your two totals as your score for the hole.
3-3-3 two man scramble - The team of four will designate who play's the first three holes in a two man scramble together. Both two man teams will scramble and record the lowest score. Holes 4-6, you will switch to a new partner and scramble again taking the lowest score. Holes 7-9, you will have the last new partner and scramble taking the lowest score.
Hi-Low Skins - Everyone plays there own ball and keeps track of their score every hole on a individual scorecard. We then sort the lowest scores and join them with a player from the highest scores. They will add up their score each hole and we will play a skins match where the lowest score on every hole wins a skin.
Our goal at Men's Nite has always been to provide an opportunity for the participants to play a regular game of golf in which they can post a score (the exception being scrambles). In addition we like to play different games each week. Some of these challenges are individual but most are based on team play.
RENO - This 4 man game is a Men's Nite favorite. Tee off and play your game. When the hole scores are recorded for Reno the lowest score is recorded first, the next lowest second and so on. As an example: Pete scores a birdie on the par 5 opening hole at HGC. Steve pars as does Raoul and Herb takes a double bogey. Their score would be 4,557 points on the first hole. The point totals from all nine holes are totaled and the team with the lowest score wins.
RIDER RENO - Total your Reno score on each hole (for Reno the lowest score is recorded first, the next lowest second and so on...)
and check the RIDER RENO Chart below to convert your Reno score for that hole to a Football Points score! Record that score in the middle row on your scorecard. Touchdown!
2344 or less 3455 or less 4555 or less 2pt converted TD 8 points
2345-3344 3456-4455 4556-5566 TOUCHDOWN 7 points
3345-3445 4457-4556 5567-5666 Missed convert 6 points
3446-4556 4556-5667 5667-6778 FIELD GOAL 3 points
4557-4667 5668-5778 6779-6889 ROUGE 2 points
4668-5677 5779-6788 6899-7899 SINGLE 1 points
5678 or more 6789 or more 7900 or more Shut Out 0 points
543 - Here's another great 4 man game that puts the pressure on the par threes. Play your regular game. When the scores are calculated your team uses the best score on the par 5's, the two lowest scores on the par 4's and the best three scores an the par 3's.
JOKERS WILD - In this 4 man game you never know what you'll get. Each member of the foursome is assigned a card suit before they tee off. They play the hole not knowing which scores will be used that hole. When they reach the hole they will find a card or cards in it. The player or players whose suit appears on the card(s) count for that hole. If it's a joker use the best score your team had on that hole.
TWO MAN STABLEFORD - In this game your team of two each receives points for their scores on each hole. Each player totals their points at the end of the game. The two totals are added together to give the team total. The highest total wins.
eagle 5 points
birdie 3 points
par 2 points
bogey 1 point
double bogey or higher 0 points
TWO/FOUR MAN SCRAMBLES - a few times a month Men's Nite features a scramble. Players each play their tee shot and the best shot is selected. The entire team plays from within a scorecard length of where the selected shot lay. Continue in this fashion until the team holes out and posts a team score for the hole. Traditionally, we play a two man scramble before the Father's Day Tournament as a warm up for that event. The Glen Stasiuk Memorial Scramble is a popular 4 man scramble held in July. 4V4 scramble is where two four man scramble teams play a 9 hole matchplay event.
ARMY GOLF SCRAMBLE - All 4 players tee off. The two players whose tee shots are furthest right team up as do the two players furthest left. These two teams then pick their best tee shot and scramble from that ball. Once both 2 man teams hole out record the lowest score of the 2 man teams as the score on that hole.
SHAMBLE - In a "Shamble," each golfer tees off and the best shot is selected, but from that point, each golfer plays his or her own ball until it is holed out. What's fun about a Shamble format is that each person gets the benefit of the best drive, so they typically start out with a nice advantage (assuming there's a big hitter in the group)! In either case, the format is intended to be fun and relaxing for all golfers, whether high or low handicappers.
CRAZY EIGHTS "SKINS" SCRAMBLE - This is a challenging and fun money game. Two 4 man scramble teams are paired on the same hole. Each "Skin" is worth a predetermined amount of money. The teams match their score on the hole, low team wins the "Skin". If the hole is tied the money total of the previous hole is added to the value of the next hole. This is known as a carryover.
SYNDICATE - This is an individual game played for money. In this modified syndicate all players scoring a birdie or eagle are rewarded with a tic. The total number of tics is divided into the pot to determine the value of each tic. Any players not scoring an eagle or birdie have their names placed in a hat. When an eagle or birdie winner is awarded their prize they draw a name from the hat. That person becomes the partner and shares the winnings 50/50.
HORSE RACE - Once a year in August the horses are at the post for a dash to the finish. This is a gambling game that always provides a great deal of excitement. Each hole represents a horse in the field of a horse race. Players place bets on the hole they believe will play the easiest that night. Each participant gets one free bet with their entry into Men's Nite. Multiple bets are allowed and encouraged at a cost of $2 each. After the scorecards are turned in the scores on each hole are averaged and compared against their par to determine the hole that played easiest. If that horse (hole) is on your ticket you win a share of the pot.
BLACK BALL - A new game for four man teams. On the first tee of your round players will select any hole of the 9 to be the team wildcard hole. Then each player chooses their own two black ball holes. When a player is on his designated black ball hole he plays a different coloured ball. His score counts for that hole as does the lowest of the other three players. On the wildcard hole the two best scores are recorded.
TEXAS HOLD 'EM - The card game craze has hit the links. In this version your foursome tries to get the best "hand". Play your game and fill in your scorecard as normal. Keep your card after the game. We will "deal out " two hole cards to each group by picking two scores on your card ( example -Player "A" 4th hole and Player "B" 7th hole). Next we deal the flop -3 cards ( Let's say, Player "A" 9th hole, Player "C" 8th hole and Player "D" 9th hole) Then, the turn (Let's say, Player "C" 1st hole) and finally, the river (Let's say, player "B" 5th hole). Make a poker hand using your best 5 cards. The best hand wins the pot!
GOLF 2.0 - This 4 man Stableford game features 2 holes on each green, one difficult and one easy. Before teeing off the player must declare which pin he will be playing for on that hole. The player plays the hole out and uses the chart below to calculate his points. Add up the points for each member of the group and that is your total for the hole.
Score Eagle Birdie Par Bogey Double Bogey
Easy Pin 5 4 3 2 1
Difficult Pin 5 1/2 4 1/2 3 1/2 2 1/2 1 1/2
No point for anything higher than a double.
FUZZY DICE - Players are numbered 1-4. Roll the big dice on the tee and follow the instruction sheet also found there. The instructions will tell your team how to mark the score on that hole. Ex. roll of 1 = use player#1 score 2 = use player#2 score 3 = use player#3 score 4 = use player#4 score 5= use lowest score 6=use highest and lowest score.
ARMY GOLF (RIGHT/LEFT)- This is a 4 man team game. All 4 players tee off. Determine which two players are further right and which two players are further left -those players are partners for that hole. Compare the total score of the two right players to the total of the two left players. Record the lowest of your two totals as your score for the hole.
3-3-3 two man scramble - The team of four will designate who play's the first three holes in a two man scramble together. Both two man teams will scramble and record the lowest score. Holes 4-6, you will switch to a new partner and scramble again taking the lowest score. Holes 7-9, you will have the last new partner and scramble taking the lowest score.
Hi-Low Skins - Everyone plays there own ball and keeps track of their score every hole on a individual scorecard. We then sort the lowest scores and join them with a player from the highest scores. They will add up their score each hole and we will play a skins match where the lowest score on every hole wins a skin.